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Message par Demonghost Jeu 3 Fév - 20:22


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<td vAlign=top align=left>nouveauté airsoft Saparator_long</TD></TR>
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<td vAlign=top width=400 align=left>nouveauté airsoft Zl_rg_mosin_c_m
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<td vAlign=top align=left>Zeta Lab</TD>
<td vAlign=top align=right></TD></TR>
<td vAlign=top colSpan=2 align=left>Zeta Lab Mosin Nagant M1944 Carbine# ZL-RG-MOSIN-C</TD></TR></TABLE>
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<td class=fldlabel width=55 align=left>Price</TD>
<td class=fldlabel>:</TD>
<td id=your_price_td class=fldvalue align=right>US$ 369.00 </TD></TR>var w_itemno_array = [];var w_qty_array = [];var w_price_array = [];var r_itemno_array = [];var r_qty_array = [];var r_price_array = [];function save_qty_price(itemno, qty, price){ var position; position = w_itemno_array.push(itemno)-1; w_qty_array[position] = qty; w_price_array[position] = price;}function r_save_qty_price(itemno, qty, price){ var position; position = r_itemno_array.push(itemno)-1; r_qty_array[position] = qty; r_price_array[position] = price;}function update_qty_price(itemno, qty, price){ var i=0; var len = w_itemno_array.length; var new_your_price_td; var new_your_price; for(i=0; i</TABLE>
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<td height=200 vAlign=top>Built Material: Steel / Brass, Wood Stock, Resin BayonetMagazine Capacity: Approx. 15 ( 6mm BBs )Length: 1020 mmBarrel Length: /Weight: 3440gSystem: Air Cocking, Bolt ActionMuzzle Velocity: 290-310 FPS w/ 0.2g BBsPackage Includes: Gun, SlingWARNING: Despite flexible nature of resin material, the bayonet is still hard enough to cause injuries to eyes or other soft tissues, handle with care!</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>

Messages : 610
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2010
Age : 42
Localisation : aubagne

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nouveauté airsoft Empty Re: nouveauté airsoft

Message par Demonghost Jeu 3 Fév - 20:29


Messages : 610
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2010
Age : 42
Localisation : aubagne

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